Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birthday Traditions

We went to a birthday celebration for one of the other missionaries we know in town, (he doesn't know when his actual birthday is, so we just picked a random date. Lol.) and we learned a few things about birthdays in Kenya.

1) Apparently, it is tradition to dump buckets and buckets of water on the birthday person.

2) In some of the tribes, your birthday is not nearly as important as your naming day.

3) In the Masai tribe (the tribe our friend is from) babies don't get names until they are at least year old, and sometimes not until they are four.

4) The same tribe announces the birth of a baby by someone standing outside of the house and yelling "We have had a baby." three times, loud enough for the whole village to hear.

5) It's the birthday person's job to feed everyone present a bite of the cake -- literally, they come around with a fork and stick a piece in each person's mouth.

We also learned one other random fact:

In Kenyan culture, it is considered embarrassing to compliment someone, especially in public. Oops! Lol.


1 comment:

John, Jessica, Will, Clay and Joe said...

Wish I'd read bout the buckets and buckets of water tradition earlier - since I saw your mother today and her bday was yesterday. That could've been lots of fun!

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