Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ice Cream!!

We had ice cream on Saturday!! Al Fatah (the grocery store in town) just got in a shipment of ice cream, so, after me and Ashley and Heath finished the rest of the errands we had to run in town, we stopped in and picked up two tubs (tubs of ice cream here are tiny). By the time we walked back to our house – it’s probably three or four kilometers, but I have no idea how many miles that is – it was just starting to melt, but still frozen enough to be amazing.

Very few things here are cold, unless you buy a pop from the duka, and there are very few dairy products, so ice cream is pretty much a miracle.

It’s kind of odd how quickly things here are becoming normal, that I wouldn’t have thought would become normal so quickly.

The power going out randomly is normal. The trash on the roads is starting to be normal – literally, there are some places in the market where the ground looks like the Mexican garbage dump room of the REAL Life exhibit. Not looking upcountry men in the eye or responding when they greet you is slowly becoming normal – although not easy or enjoyable.

I’m really bad at the whole existing as a female in a heavily male dominated culture thing. Even safety things like not going into the market or to the ATM without a guy, and no going anywhere unless there are at least two girls drive me nuts more often than not, but Muslim guys aren’t supposed to greet women outside of their families – conversation is okay, but greeting is bad…idk – even mzungu girls who they think don’t know any better.

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