Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I learned how to make a sentence today!

Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound very impressive, but it was very exciting.

I've learned all sorts of Swahili vocab over the last couple weeks -- pages and pages and pages of vocab -- but we hadn't learned how to make the verbs work the way they need to to form sentences. (We were doing the Tarzan thing. Lol. "Want cookie." "You bring water." "Kill bug." etc)

Mimi nina viatu mbili.

Translation: "I have two shoes." Yep. First sentence I wrote. Lol.

Nina nanasi nne na ana nanasi na nazi.
"I have four pineapples and she has a pineapple and a coconut."

Try saying that ten times fast.


John, Jessica, Will, Clay and Joe said...

WOW! I'm really behind, but thanks for all these great posts. I'm feeling really in the know now. And we will join you in praying for RAIN.

TriciaM said...

I don't think I can say it once slowly (correctly) --maybe you can post some video so I can see and hear and mimic you talking Swahili :-)
Praying for Grace like rain --and precipitation
Love ya

TriciaM said...

at first i didn't think that it was very hard to say "I have a pineapple and she has a pineapple and a coconut"10 times fast but, then i realized that we were supposed to be saying the saying in Swahili, and...i definitely could not do that:)


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