Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amazing Race -- Take Two

The first Saturday in our new town (the morning after we got here), we did another Amazing Race type of thing in order to help us figure out how things here run.

Luckily, this one was only half a day long – and there were no flights of stairs involved. Me, Laura, and Billy (one of the old interns, who was acting as our guide) ended up coming in first, by not even five minutes, so, sometime this week, we get to go out to eat with our site supervisors at one of their favorite restaurants.

Hopefully, it won’t be the one we went to during the race.

One of our stops was to eat a bowl of Matumbo at a local hotel (restaurant). It turns out that matumbo is cow stomach.

It wasn’t too bad – a little chewy and rubbery – but it looked very…odd.

If you can imagine scooping a piece of brown carpet (the type with all of the little tiny loops) out of a bowl of soup and then putting it in your mouth, you’ll get the picture.

(The weather here isn’t bad. It’s been in the mid to high nineties the last couple of weeks – it’s hot season now – and it’s more humid than the Tri-Cities is in the summer. No rain, the air is just stickier.)

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