Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Language Lesson Moja

Sunday was church.

We woke up in the morning and realized that we didn’t have anything in the house to eat for breakfast, so, a couple of the girls, who were already dressed and ready, went around the corner to the duka (a little store) that our landlady runs and bought a loaf of bread to go with the peanut butter and jelly that we had brought with us from the Nakumatt (kind of like WalMart) in Nairobi.

Getting in and out of the mosquito nets is still an adventure every time, but, hey, I guess we’ll get better at it, right?

I went to the same church here that I attended in Nairobi last week, when I was waiting for the rest of my team to arrive – well, a branch of the same church. Service was good, but long, almost three and a half hours type of long.

I learned a new word though, well, a lot of new words, but that’s kind of how it works when you don’t know the language. 

A funzi is a disciple or a learner, someone training to become a fundi, a skilled worker. As a disciple, a funzi, of Christ, then, we are to study to show ourselves approved, show ourselves to be a fundi, fully capable of handling the word of God.

Idk. Maybe I’m just a linguistics nut, but I thought it was really cool how much closer related the words are in Kiswahili than they are in English.

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