Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Here

Wow. I’m in Kenya, guys!

I was the first one out of my team to get here, so, I got to spend most of Sunday hanging out with both of my sets of site supervisors (One set lives here in Nairobi and the other set lives in Garissa – the second set are the ones that we are going to be working directly with) and their kids.

My bag got left behind in London, so I smelled like I’d been traveling for three days, but the kids didn’t seem to mind. They were charged with keeping me awake – sleeping in the middle of the day makes it way harder to get over jet lag – so, besides the time we spent at church, we pretty much played all day. I don’t think I’ve ever played that many hours of hide and seek in my life!

We went to go see the rift valley on Monday afternoon. It was foggy, but, really pretty, and really cool to see in person after knowing about it for so long. It’s crazy to think that that giant crack in the ground runs all the way from the top of the continent down to past where we are.

Dinner on Monday night was rice, goat meat, and kale. The goat meat wasn’t bad, a little chewy, but it tasted good (No. It didn’t taste like chicken. It actually tasted a lot like pork.) Kale, on the other hand, although it isn’t bad either, tastes like boiled grass. Literally, if you picked grass from your yard and boiled it until it was soft, it would taste like kale.

Btw. We totally saw a herd of Zebra as we were on the way to the guest house (kind of like a hostel) on Sunday night! I didn’t have my camera though and it was dark, so there
is no proof.

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