Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Language Lesson Mbili

The culture here is so totally different, that every encounter with another human being is another time of learning something new, of realizing something else that you don’t yet understand. There is a certain exhilaration to having to sponge up information so quickly, but there is also a certain frustration to never quite having all of the tools that you need.

In the States, I can teach Sunday school or have a class at CHECK and just communicate. Here, even English has to be relearned. People from most of the tribes have a hard time understanding American accents, so in order to communicate well, you have to accent your speech and use different word choices than you would when talking to another American or a Canadian.

We’re learning Swahili (among other languages), but we’re also learning how to speak English like Kenyans.

I kind of intense. Lol.

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