Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Syrup Making 101

Lunch on Saturday didn’t end up being until about 4:30 in the afternoon. By the time we got back into town after a missionaries’ fellowship that was held not far from here, everybody was way ready for food and no one felt like going to a hotel, so we made pancakes and syrup.

The first batch of syrup decided to turn back into sugar at the last moment – not really sure why – so that was a fail, but the second batch turned out really well.

(You boil three parts sugar and two parts water together for about ten minutes, and then, so long as you keep it warm and covered, you have syrup. If you let it solidify, you get some seriously sticky caramel corn coating. Lol.)

While we were making the syrup at our house, Esther went over to the boys’ house so that Jamie could show her how to make pancakes on a chapatti (kind of like a cross between a tortilla and a chalupa) plate. The recipe doesn’t use any eggs, so those were some seriously, heavy pancakes.

Out of everyone who had pancakes for lunch, I don’t think more than one or two managed to eat anything more for dinner than maybe a few bites of the chapatti that Jamie and Mama Injero were teaching us how to make. That’s how massive the pancakes were.

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