Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Missionaries's Kids

While we’ve been in Nairobi, I gotten to hang out quite a bit with the kids of one of the missionaries who is going to be supervising us any time we’re in town. His son is twelve and the two girls are nine and four. They’re a lot of fun, and it’s kind of funny to hear them talk about themselves as if they were Kenyan (they’ve lived here since the oldest one was two) even though their passports say that they are American.

The younger two ask us questions about “America” all the time. They go to the States every year in between June and August in order to get away from the cold season here in Nairobi (seasons are backwards in the southern hemisphere from what they are in the US), so, to them, living in America is kind of like living in Hawaii would be to us.

Can you imagine how different your life would be if America was just someplace that you came on vacation, and another country felt like your real home?

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