Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It doesn’t feel like there s as much to write about the last couple of days, but that is mainly because life is starting to settle in and feel normal.

Melissa is out back right now picking dry branches off the bushes so she has enough tinder to start the charcoal cooker and boil water, so that it will be cool enough to pour into the filter by the time we need it. The kitchen shelves are stocked with raw foods that Esther picked up at the market. Everyone finished their laundry for the moment, so the basin is sitting, empty, in the corner, and the last of the clothes are drying on the line.

One of the senior girls is coming over in about an hour, and we’re going to walk to town to visit the ATM, pick up some phone and internet credit, and stop by the market to pick up dresses from the fundi.

The Mama at the duka knows our faces if not our names. We’re getting better at the whole mosquito net thing. Nobody’s surprised any more when the power goes out and doesn’t come back for twelve hours or more, and, yeah. This is slowly just becoming life.

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