Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chicken With my Head Cut Off

Half of the people who work in the kitchen (the k-crew) are gone right now, so things have been kind of crazy. I worked both lunch and dinner today, and it was lots of fun. We got done early both times, and we got to run around like crazy people, trying to get everything done. Even though it's cold outside, we were hot and sweaty, and we joked that we looked like chickens with our heads cut off, just running every which way.

Although, I'm not sure if a headless chicken could run very fast...

If you ever see a decapitated chicken, let me know what it looks like.

In the Love of Christ,

Jessica Mac <><

1 comment:

michelle hopp said...

I have never actually seen it, but my mom says that when she was little her grandpa would cut off the heads (of chickens) just above the "voice box" so that it would squak while it ran around. I guess this was great entertainment, I am glad I had television.

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