Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Drinking from a Fire Hose

I'm so psyched up to play with computer stuff right now, it's not even funny. One of the teachers we've had this week has been talking to us about digital communications stuff, and it just plain makes me happy. He's given us addresses for all kinds of cool websites that have free templates, and the little hacker inside of me is jumping for joy at the chance to play with style sheets.

Yeah, I'm a nerd. I know, but, right now, I'm a happy nerd.

Too happy of a nerd to stay here and ramble, though, so I'm off to go explore some more.

Have a blessed day.
Matthew 5:18

Jessica MacFarlan <><

1 comment:

Richee said...

Your blog design is awesome and way to connect your enewsletter to it! Awesome job sister!!

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