Sunday, March 2, 2008

The True and Utter East

Why is it that life always seems to make so much more sense when you're surrounded by people you love and your heart says that it is home? There is no place that I would rather be in this moment, and I can only praise God that, in His great mercy, He has brought me home for this time. It seems that everything we have been striving to achieve on the BCOM campus already exists here. The presence of God rests heavy on this place, and the lives of the youth show it. Even in the church body as a whole, large as it is, the remnants of His mercy can be seen, hovering around, clinging to people even after the service has ended.

The something that we have been anticipating, waiting for and watching God prepare our hearts to receive, for all of these years, is finally here. This is by no means the end, but it is the beginning of the end. If we continue on this course, we will soon enough reach the true and utter east, where our land collides with that of the Emperor Over the Sea, where the water tastes sweet, and where Aslan dwells.

My soul is content, and my spirit rejoices to receive this confirmation of all that His Spirit has told me regarding this place. His mercy is great and His glory shall not be denied.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His sufferings.

Jessica Mac <><

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