“And I want to be part of a people who are risking it all for Him.”- Radicalby David Platt
People my age and just a little bit older than me call this “tribe.” I hear younger people batting around words like “community” and “relationship.”
Basically, we all want to belong.
We want someone to be there who will be proud of us when we do something in the name of justice.
We want someone to challenge us and to push us just a little bit farther.
We want someone who needs us to teach them.
We want to be not alone in this thing we call life and this thing that we call religion.
But, it gets hard. We get sucked into the cycle of life that involves running from place to place and talking only to the people we have to talk with, and we try to avoid talking to even them if we can help it. (Self checkout line, anyone?)
Sometimes, we have to be a little bit more intentional about it all.
May 21st, we are setting aside twelve hours to connect, to connect with justice issues, but, more importantly, to connect with one another. All generations. All types. All levels of involvement.
Come join us.
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