“For the sake of my life, my family, and the people who surround me, I want to risk it all.”- Radicalby David Platt
Inherently, I am lazy.
I will BS my way through anything that I can rather than actually do the work.
I will sit back and wait for someone else to do the dirty job.
I leave dishes in the sink until I am forced to wash them because I have nothing left to eat off of or cook with.
I have been known to consider pulling a Walden Pond and settling into some off the grid, tiny house with my computer and a stack of notebooks, just because it would be “easier.”
But, I will leave for church early and balance boxes of donuts on the handle bars of my bike because some (all) of my fourth and fifth graders need to see human love and faithfulness before they are willing to see the love and faithfulness of an invisible God.
I will keep pushing at impossible things like the Focus Month because I know that some of my teenagers need just that. And then, I will all but jump up and down and do a happy dance when some of those same teenagers start to sign up, as if, maybe, I wasn't sure that God meant it when He first said that they needed to come.
This, I am convinced, is part of the reason that God places in each of us in community. He knows that we will do things for the sake of other humans that we would rarely do otherwise. He knows that our love, flawed and fallen as it is, motivates more powerfully than any reward.
But, we have to be in community for it to work that way.
Outside of an “us” we have no reason to risk the things that God is asking.
Today, go and bury yourself in your community, your tribe, your group of people who push you to be who you should be. Find them in real life, on the internet, or through your phone, but find them.
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