“Don't misunderstand me – Jesus was anything but casual about his mission. He was initiating a revolution, but his revolution would not revolve around the masses or the multitudes. Instead it would revolve around a few men.”- Radicalby David Platt
Hundreds of people followed Jesus. Thousands came to hear Him speak. But, when it came time to change the world, to push against all of the systems of the day, to send out filled with His Holy Spirit, it only involved enough people to fit into a room.
When it was time to go to the garden, He took eleven men.
He only brought three of them with Him to pray.
The Church was a family owned business before it was a corporation.
But it is so easy to forget that sometimes. It is so easy to think that we are not seeing numbers or measurable results or data that fits easily into a spreadsheet and so we must be doing something wrong. It is so easy to overlook conversations and interactions and the slow rubbing of one life against another. It is so easy to play the people game and try to network our way out of a problem.
It's not the solutions that are important, though. It's not the programs or the web design or the follow-up. It's the people.
Jesus spent His life watching and guiding as a few people were changed, a few people who then changed the world, by watching and guiding as more people were changed, one or two or a dozen at a time.
If we never work in or through small groups of people (even when those groups seem far to small to possibly accomplish the task at hand), we are probably headed in the wrong direction.
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