“Think about it. Would you say that your life right now is marked by a desperation for the Spirit of God? Would you say that the church you are part of is characterized by this sense of desperation?”- Radicalby David Platt
Are we desperate?
So often, in America at least, desperation is something to be avoided. We don't like to need anything. We don't like to think of ourselves as being on the receiving end.
Children are desperate. Their sense of time is not the same as that of an adult, so they beg for things. They throw themselves on the ground or they pout or they beat their fists against a leg or a cart or a wall until something happens.
Children of God ought to be desperate too. Our sense of time is different, because we are constantly comparing our lives to eternity, so we beg for things. We pray and we fast; we weep and we worship; we make spiritual noise, until something happens.
We are desperate for the lives of our friends and our neighbors, desperate for the lives of humans we have never met. We are desperate for God's greatness, desperate for His justice, desperate to see Him move in our midst.
Or, we ought to be.
Because, one of the marks of a spiritual grown-up is the ability to be desperate like a child.
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