Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"If and When were planted, and Nothing grew." ~Proverb
I am the master of procrastination. If a college paper was due at 8:00 in the morning, I was on my bed, in my pajamas, emailing it at 7:45, or printing it off in the library at 7:50 and shaking it on the way to class so that it would not still be warm from the printer.

I make up lessons on the morning that I am supposed to be teaching them and wake up early to "finish" packing, when I could have just as easily gathered my things and put them into an empty bag the night before.

There are other things, though, that simply have to be done, no procrastination about it.

In the past, I've given challenges to "Do One Thing." This week, do one thing towards justice.

Step 1) If you haven't already, click here to check out the website for the focus month.
Step 2) Click here to fill out the application. Even if you don't think that you will be going on the trip, fill one out. I won't hold it over your head. You can even stick a little note in there somewhere telling me that you only did it because I told you to. Just fill it out. There are questions in there that are good for anyone to think about. There are questions in there that were hard for ME to think about, even while I was writing them.
"Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “someday I’ll” philosophy". ~Denis Waitley

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