Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Not in That Place Yet

"I'm not in that place yet."
That phrase has come up several time over the last week or so, in a variety of contexts. Every time it boils down to, "I would do such-and-such, but I'm just not in that place yet [in my walk with God, in my friendship, in my finances, etc]." Sometimes it's been a legitimate response...sometimes maybe not so much.

I don't want that phrase to be an excuse to not to come on the Focus Month trip - just like I don't want unasked or unanswered questions to be the reason for not coming.


I'm not looking for perfect, always holy people, and I don't think that God is either. I don't care if you have the faith to move mountains or if you are, quite frankly, questioning everything that you have ever been taught. I don't care if you are the prefect Christian who always attends EVERYTHING and helps out with the kids every chance that you get or if you rarely come to church and avoid youth group whenever you can. I don't care what your reputation is at school. I don't care if you hate sleeping on the floor for one night and part of you wants to curl up and die at the thought of sleeping there for twenty-seven.


We're all a mess. It's part of being human. The wonderful thing about justice, is that God uses messy people to bring it about.

Yes. That link was a not so subtle hint. There are application forms on the website due by May 5th. If you are a messy, imperfect person, come join me, and FILL OUT THE FORM.

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