Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Participant Application

If you are at all interested in the Focus Month, I would encourage you to start filling out the application and see where the Lord leads you from there. Feel free to either copy paste this text into an email and send it to me at celticross89@yahoo.com or to shoot me an email asking for a printable PDF version of the file.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Focus Month Participant Application





What about social justice intrigues you or brings forth your passions?

What about the Focus Month makes you want to join us?

What is one example of a an injustice, large or small, that you have personally seen played out?

Briefly, share your testimony:

What part of living communally for a month do you think will be the most difficult for you?

What is one American comfort that you think it would be the hardest for you to live without?

Is there anything that you feel might hinder you from participating fully in the Focus Month?

How can I pray for you?

List three references (one parent, one teacher/youth leader/other adult, and one friend):

Name: Email:

Name: Email:

Name: Email:

Focus Month Reference Form


Name of student:

Relation to student: parent friend other adult

How long have you known the student?

In your experience, does this student have a passion for justice, or a strong sense of fairness and rightness?


What strengths might this student be able to offer in a community setting?

Do you have any reservations about this student's ability to participate in the Focus Month?

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