Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Every Problem is a Knowledge of God Problem

One of my professors likes to say that, "Every problem is a knowledge of God problem."

He means that, at the root of every issue or annoyance in our lives there is a basic misunderstanding of some facet of God's character. If we are anxious, it might be that we don't truly understand God's peace, that we are afraid to trust Him because we don't really understand that He is good, or any number of other reasons, but, somewhere, there is something about God that we do not understand.

The fact that our youth group or church is dull or listless is a knowledge of God problem. The fact that we are afraid when we think of loosing our job or getting sick is a knowledge of God problem. The fact that our spouse/child/sibling/parent/friend irritates us to the point of anger or frustration is a knowledge of God problem.

So often, what we need is not a better solution or a different plan. What we need is an encounter with God and His glory.

The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58:8)

God promises us that His glory will follow us, steady, constant, and comforting, if we act in the name of His justice. It is that simple (and the complicated). We act in the way that He would if He were here in the flesh, and He follows us with His protective glory.

God comes in His glory to places where His justice is lived out through human lives, and that glory brings a greater knowledge of Him.

If every problem really is a knowledge of God problem, then justice is just as much an act of self preservation as an act of compassion. And, that is okay. God designed it that way, so that justice for the poor could be justice for the rich as well. We don't seek justice out of pity for anyone. We seek justice because our God is just.

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