Friday, July 20, 2012

"We should pray."

Our second VBS seemed like it was going to be 180 degrees from the first. It was close - less than a thirty minute ride in the backs of two pick-up trucks - dry, brown, and poundingly hot. The kids were hungry, tired, thirsty, hot, and more than slightly over us. Playing games was like pulling teeth. Even communicating with each other - in English! - was harder than it should have been.

And, no one could think clearly enough to figure out why.

Until Witty stopped, looked over his small group of drooping children, and prayed. And, they suddenly came to life.

 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice 
    and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
    and break every yoke?" Isaiah58:6

As we bumped along through villages on the way up, the constant stream of children waving and yelling, "Blanc! Blanc!" had distracted us from the constant stream of voodoo crosses. And, the more rural poverty had eclipsed other observations.

Here, in the mountains - just like in Washington, or in Kenya, or in Mexico - the enemy would do anything to blind eyes to the light that is carried by those who are in Christ.

That night, our teenagers hashed out the problem and came to the solution without second thought. This wasn't a Sunday school answer or a mumbled attempt at proving themselves holy. They simply knew that we needed to pray. So, we did.

The next morning, we gathered at the front of the church to pray. The next morning, the cameras largely returned to bags and pockets, as our kids remained present and prayerful. The next morning, we had half the number of children when we arrived. The next morning, God showed up.

The apathy from the day before was broken. Dark eyes finally connected with the blanc ones that wanted nothing more than to pour out the love and the trust that seemed to be highlighted every time that they opened their Bibles. Hands slipped in to be held. Clapping games were played. Little girls scooted shyly along benches until they found the blanc they were looking for. Bracelets were tied tightly around wrists. Smiles and laughter finally ruled. 

The next morning, they knew they were loved.

Because, when we pray, the plans of the enemy shatter.

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