Monday, July 23, 2012


The hardest part of any ministry trip is often the reverse culture shock of coming home. Just in case that wasn't hard enough on its own, we took these kids, with minds and hearts still reeling from Village Cannis, on a three hour jaunt through Times Square.

Been there, done that on the way home from Kenya, all too familiar with the mind boggling contrast.

And, yet. Our God is the same here as He was there; the same in our families as He was in our team; the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is a God who does not change.

"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; 
    you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I." Isaiah 58:9a

He is present wherever and whenever we call on Him.

And, so, we woke up the next morning and played Give me Faith as we got ready. We made our way through security and watched as kids scrambled to not lose this new sense of family. And, we watched them continue to glow with the quiet light of hearts satisfied in their God.

Now, they are home with their families. (By the time this publishes, I will be off at camp with several hundred American middle schoolers.) They are telling stories and trying explain the unexplainable. Smells are being washed off, and suitcases will eventually be unpacked. Fundraisers and next steps are being brainstormed.

And, moment by moment, we are learning to see the good plan of a God who is not dependent on geography.

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