Friday, July 6, 2012


Two more days of Focus Group have occurred, largely consisting of prepping bracelets, etc for a well fundraiser that they have been plugging away at with amazing determination for the last year. It might take the next five years, but, by golly, they will raise enough money to drill a deep well.

And, of course, all manner of conversations in between - personality types, details of other "non-Focus" fundraisers, race relations, theology, human nature, Haiti, and anything else we might happen to stumble across in a group of brains that function much like a box full of loose ping pong balls.

(The bracelets this year are adjustable...and a thousand times easier to make then last year's - it takes about ten minutes to finish one of these, compared to forty-five minutes to complete one of the others. We should have thought of this last summer!)

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