Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pretty Much Amazing

We had twenty-four kids at childcare this evening (significantly less than the thirty we had been expecting!), and things were FAR calmer and better organized than last week. Not that the kids noticed any difference at all. They are literally just happy to run in circles, play foursquare, and occasionally get spun around.

I pulled in two more of my baby sister's friends for a grand total of four high school and two "adult" teachers. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. These high schoolers are pretty much amazing.

To start with, they're great with kids and totally willing to chase six-year-olds in circles for twenty minutes without stopping. Which is huge. But. Their hearts are also amazing.

I turned around while the kids were eating snack and watching a movie to find the two who were here last week already washing and sanitizing the drink cups just as calmly as if I had asked them to do the dishes. Three of them disappeared quietly a few minutes later, when most of the kids were gone, and then showed back up to let me know that the other room was completely cleaned up and shut down. 

Huge deal.

Plus, they managed to learn at least seventeen names each - which is a challenge when the name tags don't stand still long enough to read them! Yep. These kids are impressive.

And...it kind of makes me feel old to think that I helped teach one of the girls when she was in Kindergarten Sunday school...

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