Of course, one of the boys then proceeded to spill the beans, because, well, he’s four, and an hour is a long time to keep a secret!

The little girls divided a hot cereal mix into little cups for everyone and got a pot of water boiling, while the boys peeled and quartered bananas and the big girls grated up blocks of bakers chocolate.

And, then, we proceeded to drench the cereal in nearly every form of sweetener imaginable (honey, agave nectar, brown sugar, “raw” cane sugar, vanilla almond milk, raisins) and mix in extra chocolate and coconut that didn’t quite make it onto their bananas.
Luckily for their next teachers, they spent so much time mixing and concocting sugary messes that they actually ate very little of it.

A couple of the middle schoolers came in after class to grab their extra food – because what teenager isn’t hungry at 2:00 in the afternoon? One of the boys glanced at their mess and declared, “It looks like cat barf.”
Yes. By the time the had mixed and stirred to their hearts’ content, it did look rather like something that had been eaten once already. But, hey, they had fun, and it was still healthier than coco puffs.
(One of the boys did put only honey on his, and then ate it down with great gusto, telling me that, “I love hot foods!” Haha. Glad you liked it, kiddo.)

(Btw… can you locate my resident camera ham?)
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