She is almost 100% certain that she wants to/can go on the trip.
Guy #2 is definitely interested. Guy #1, I think we’re still working on.
That’s one, possibly two, girls, and at least one part time guy (different guy) so far. It’s a start!
Then…it was time for 4th and 5th grade Sunday School. We hung out outside in the gorgeous sunshine, a couple of the girls poured over an ESL dictionary, one of the boys demonstrated that he could, indeed, put on a kikoy (man skirt), “gird up his lions,” and still play dodge ball, and then they managed to be ALL OVER THE PLACE during our sit down time.
Not defiant, but just EVERYWHERE, like trying to have a conversation with a flock of magpies in a room full of shiny objects.
(Oh. And, Jessica being Jessica, one of the boys managed to slice his finger open very nicely – not on the S omali knife that they were looking at, but with a very sharp piece of dead, ornamental grass.)
For large group worship, though, we didn’t do any of the “fun” songs that normally get so many eye rolls, and, instead, they gave the kids three options: stay in the center and sing quiet songs, go off to the left and read their Bibles, or go off to the right and pray.
There were at least a dozen boys, lined up against the wall , in various postures of prayer, not talking with their friends, but praying, voluntarily.
(Literally, only three girls came over, one of them because she had glued herself to my side for the day.)
Still, quiet, REAL praying. These are some pretty awesome little men.
* They seem to make a habit of this. Whenever some “God moment” is coming later – even though they never know about them in advance – they are all over the place, and then, it’s like something CLICKS and they are fully there and fully engaged.
I’ve gotten into the habit of seeing their squirrely and just waiting for the “moment” that is about to come, like watching dogs to find out if there is about to be an earthquake. :D

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