Monday, November 29, 2010

Yes, They Really Are That Cool

The Sunday after Thanksgiving is, apparently, Elf and open gym night for the youth group. Open gym... not exactly my strong suit. This year, though, Kerrin also brought silverware and napkins that needed to be tied together for the Christmas Feast in White Swan. About a dozen of the girls jumped right up onto the gym stage and wrapped, tied, and curled 250 sets of silverware. (I don't blame the guys for not joining. For some reason, it is a lot more complicated than it looks!)

They literally heard about what we needed to do, and, two minutes later, were doing it. They won't be at the Christmas Feast, and they've never met the people they were doing it for, but they served anyways, because they are just ridiculously incredible like that.


Over the last few weeks, I have also had conversations with one of the girls about what organizations she could go with to spend a year doing missions before college, and with another girl about different NGOs she could ask for donations towards, rather than getting birthday presents.

Yep. These kids really are that cool.

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