Monday, November 15, 2010

What About the High Schoolers?

Just for the record, I spend about quadruple the number of hours each week doing church stuff with high school students as I do with 4th and 5th graders. They're harder to blog about, though. For one thing, I want to respect their privacy, and it's far easier to identify one of a 100+ Intersect / cluster attendees than it is to identify one of 500+ elementary kids who run around on Sunday mornings.

Secondly, I could use letters instead of names for them, like I do with the elementary kids, but I'm pretty sure things are confusing enough already without any more alphabet soup. Using real names is just a bad idea, and using code names seems confusing...and just plain odd.

Thirdly, they crack me up, but not in the cute, easily bloggable sort of way that younger kids do, and it seems awkward to write deeper sorts of observations about my sister's friends. Why it would be less awkward if she wasn't still in high school, I'm not sure. But, I'm working on it. Someday, I will figure out a way to share stories about my high schoolers.

Because, believe me. I love the crud out of these kids.

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