This month's memory verse comes from 1 Corinthians 12, so we talked about spiritual gifts in small group this week and then went on a hunt around the church for things that reminded us of the different gifts. Before the hunt, though, we had a demonstration of the fact that Jessica's gift is most certainly not drawing.
I can make crooked stick figures with the best of them, but ask me to draw an ear (interpretation of tongues), and it suddenly becomes a very good thing that these fourth and fifth graders have been blessed with good imaginations. The one thing that they could not puzzle out at all was the bullhorn (prophesy). Go figure.
Next week, we'll see if they remember anything besides that there was a picture of a pretzel.

When I explained what a pretzel had to do with intercession (that the shape had to do with an old posture of prayer), one of the girls popped her head up from examining her card and looked at me, "You looked that up on Google, didn't you?"
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