Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bullet Point Post

Life is moving along out here in the desert. We're working on justice things in every possible direction; kids are signing up for this year's Haiti VBS trip - including my baby sister, who I get to go on a ministry trip with for the first time ever! And, the end of the school year is creeping ever so slowly closer.

So many little things, but nothing that would fill an entire blog post:
  • The fifth graders at both of my schools sang in a choral fest and did an amazing job.
  • Fifth grade lunch has been split into a two day affair rather than a one day, and I have been reprimanded by several third graders since the switch for not being on the playground as often as I used to be.
  • Our reading portable was completely rearranged for spring testing, and you could practically watch my second graders' head's spin as they tried to make sense of the change. Change is not their friend, and it tends to bring out some rather unique behaviors that really could be an entire post. 
  • I managed to survive my first observation (fifth grade reading group) without passing out in front of the observers. 
  • Spring Break is a wonderful, wonderful invention.
  • The SOLD exhibit opens in almost exactly a month!!
  • We've been using Signed Exact English with the cluster to work on memory verses, and some of the girls are amazingly good at picking it up. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that, when they sign the verse, they look fluent. 
  • The high schoolers that I get to work with really are amazing.
  • The fifth graders in my Sunday school group are typically far lower anxiety than last years' crew, but the about-to-move-up-to-middle-school nerves are ratcheting up steadily every week. 
  • Kony 2012 blew in full force. 
  • The exhibit is creeping closer to completion. 
  • Did I mention that the SOLD exhibit opens in a month?! Because, that is kind of a big deal around here right now. 

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