Thursday, February 16, 2012


 This week was a record for my Sunday school group - a this-is-the-smalest-group-we-have-ever-dreamed-of-having sort of a record. One of these kids is actually even from another small group, but tagged along because his leader wasn't there.

So, clearly we had to make sure there were blurry pictures of the occasion. Because, this is 2012. If there isn't an Iphone pic of it, it didn't actually happen.

The sun came out, so we gathered up some Frisbees, took them outside, and practiced the memory verse twenty thousand several dozen times. "'God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that, in Him, we might become the righteousness of God.' 2 Corinthians 5:21" We listened to the lesson, and then they split off into corners to pray for friends and for the alter call that was going on in big church (main service).

This week, the dance was relatively simple; no runners, minimal perseveration, manageable anxiety, decent impulse control, and, wonder of wonders, only five of them. Next week, the dynamic will be totally different. But, hey, that's why we're flexible.

Posing for pictures, though, is maybe not so high up on our list of skill sets...

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