Monday, December 6, 2010

This is Why We Like Weddings

The sign has nothing to do with anything, except that it was on the way back to the car, and we found it entertaining (there are a lot of Lutherans around here!)

After Emily's wedding was over and the reception hall was more or less put back together, the thirteen of us from our class who had been there, went to a pub in downtown St. Paul to spend some time just hanging out and catching up. Parking was an adventure, and the hike from the car to the pub in wedding clothes was quite possibly THE coldest thing I have experienced in the last two years - about since the last time I was in a Minnesota winter. The cold was a decent trade off, though, for the chance to be with friends for a few extra hours.

In one of those odd twists of fate, most of us were barely acquaintances our freshman year on campus, but, in the summer after internship, the twenty of us that were left from our class became one giant group. (Although, we still keep track of each other by internship site.) Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

We all know that we are where God wants us to be right now (Colorado, Washington, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and various parts of Minnesota), but it was fun to get back together again and be with people who understand a part of you that is hard to explain to someone who has not lived it. Katie (Indonesia team) looked around at the group and just sighed, "This is so comfortable, you guys. [The rest of life] isn't comfortable like this."

That's probably the best way to put it. I LOVE where God has me right now, and I wouldn't trade doing what I am doing at this point in life for anything. But, being back with college friends and teammates is a completely different way than being in Washington is comfortable.

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