Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cookie Exchange

Tonight was a cookie exchange / Christmas party with the cluster girls. We ate WAY too many cookies, played Apples to Apples (while those who, unlike myself, can actually spell, played Scrabble), and then laughed at least half of the cookies off taking pictures with the timer on Kara's camera.

Once upon a time, (with all of the wisdom in my soon to be seventh grade self) I said that I would never do something like this, that I would do everything possible to avoid having to serve with girls - especially those old enough to potentially be dealing with relationship issues. Then, (two years later) I worked as a co-counselor at summer camp for a cabin full of elementary school girls. And I did it again. And again. And again.

And, while they made me want to pull my hair out at times, they also made me love them.

By the time I was going into my junior year of high school, my cabins were full of middle schoolers. Then the middle schoolers grew up and became high schoolers - who are currently sophomores in college. (Yep. Make me feel old. Thanks.) And, now, I'm a high school leader, and this awesome group of girls that let me hang out with them and do life for a couple of hours on Wednesday nights.

And. I. Love. Them.

(Never is very dangerous word to use!)

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