Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why Teenagers?

It seems like a little bit of an odd thing to do, after all. Teenagers don't have the resources that adults do. They don't have the influence, or the respect of society. Even in pure numbers, they are massively overshadowed by the baby boomers.

But, at the same time, things will not always be the way that they are now. Someday, these teenagers will grow into the generation that is running our country and our society. Someday, the generation that can not remember a time before youtube, will be making policies that will shape the world.

But, long before someday, an understanding of justice is important for teenagers now.

Injustice doesn't need to be explained. They see it in their schools, during extracurricular activities, and sometimes even at church. They know wrong when they see it.

What they need is a chance to see what could be right.

Pulling out for a month will give them a chance to find their passions and their voice, to begin to understand what it might mean to right some of the injustices in their world (whether that means in the halls of their school or across the globe).

Teenagers might not have the resources that adults have, but youth carries with it a passion for change that can be a powerful tool. There is a reason that the Bible is so full of stories of God using teenagers to accomplish His will.

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