Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Q: Do you realize how long a month is?

A: Yep. It's four to five times the length of an average ministry trip or church camp, BUT, if you count every moment of that month (waking, sleeping, eating, blinking, every moment of it), you only get up to about half the number of hours that the average American spends watching TV over the course of a year.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Nothing. Bring your passions and your willingness to learn, but, if you are participating in the Focus Month, you can leave your wallet at home.

Q: That is a lot of school to make up, isn't it?

A: Yes and no. If your educational objectives do not include working all of the way through a specific set of textbooks, then the entire month will be school. If your goals include specific books or class credits, they will need to be made up afterward, because we will all be working through a unified curriculum.

I will be more than willing to tutor students or otherwise help with catch-up work after the Focus Month, if that is needed in order for someone to join us.

Q: Is this only for home schooled students?

A: Nope. Although, students will likely have to temporarily withdraw from the school system in order to get the time off. I would love to help you figure out how to make it work as a public or private school student (and my mom is the home school resource guru!). :)

Q: What if I'm at CBC/in my senior year of HS/etc?

A: Again, if you want to make it work, we can make it work. Educational schedules are more flexible than we think they are, and, many times, required classes can be postponed for a quarter or semester without throwing off graduation requirements.

Q: Will I see my family? We will be in town, right?

A: Depending on how God leads, yes, you will definitely see your family. My dream would be to see families involved in a hands on way at least once a week.

Q: I am not able to participate as a student; how can I help?

A: There are several ways to help out. Thanks for asking!

      1. PRAY – pray that the right people would jump on board, that God would light passions and give peace, and that the Lord would orchestrate situations and conversations

      2. TEACH – if you have experience in the area of social justice and would like to share some of those passions with us, get a hold of me, and I would love to get you plugged into a teaching time that fits with your schedule

      3. GIVE – if you have some fresh veggies you want to unload on us, $5 you want to send our way to help cover food costs, or a vehicle we can borrow for the course of the month, we would love to partner with you to see this project have a greater impact on the Body of Christ

      4. SHARE – tell your friends, your friends' kids, or your friends' friends' kids about the project. The more people hear about it, the greater impact it will have

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