Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring...well...maybe the mouse. The stockings were hung by the whiteboard with care
Okay, that's not how it really went down at all. Let's try again.
Twas some days before Christmas
And throughout the land
The interns were scrambling
They'd come up with a plan
Knowing their teammates soon would be there
As the snowflakes were cut
No one took time for a nap
And the last of the chain
Soon filled up the gap
Then at Jason's house there arose such a clatter
Of interns in kitchen, mixing some batter
After they'd feasted and opened the last of their presents
They set out to work
And it really was pleasant
They sorted and bagged
To prepare the next feast
Where they chopped up more vegetables
And boiled two beasts
When asked to cut firewood, they complained not a word
And stories were told
And a good time was had
By the young and the old
And they drove out of sight
What an awesome amazing blog! I was so happy to read this and great pics! How long did it take you to come up with the poem? Now I understand why didn't you come over to my house tonight but don't worry Laura is bringing back cookies.
Wonderful post Jessica :-) It made me smile! Lots! love a tons girlie.
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