Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Do One Thing

New Years is coming up. That means that people across the world are making decisions about the way that they want their lives to change during 2010.

Most of them won't keep the promises that they make to themselves.

This year, instead of making a promise to yourself that you are going to break, make a promise to someone else. And, keep it.

There are 27 million people across the globe who will go into 2010 as modern day slaves. Some of them might be working to create the stuff that you use and buy every day.

For New Years, decide to do something about it. Follow this link, and send emails to companies that you use, asking them to make sure that they are not selling products made by slaves. Before you forget, and this gets lost under the pile of other broken New Years' promises, click on the link, and keep your promise to someone else.

1 comment:

TriciaM said...

Ya, I am slow. Where is the link to click? I can watch the video but I can't find the link about the e-mails

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