Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates, guys. It’s been a busy couple of weeks.

First, Laura, Heath, and I went and spent a little over a week in South Africa, which was more or less like being back in the States, minus any of the people that we know – long story, but, basically, we had to leave the East African Union for a few days so that we could come back in on a new tourist visa that will be good for the rest of our six months here.

Our friend from South Africa arranged for a few people for us to stay with, and those people in turn arranged for other people to pick us up / drop us off / entertain us while we were there. The first several days were a giant game of “pass the American.” It is a game kind of like “hot potato,” except that the potato has to try and introduce itself to each person holding it and go through a certain number of getting to know you questions – including trying to explain how three Americans from Kenya ended up in South Africa – before being passed on to the next player. Rather exhausting for the potato all in all.

We did have fun though. We managed to eat kudu, crocodile, ostrich, and wild buck; talk for an hour to a “youth group” that consisted of 12 to 26 year olds – yes, we are 20, 21 and 22 respectively, and we are here to tell you what to do with your life…not so much – visit a cave where they are excavating Littlefoot, one of the oldest human skeletons ever found; barbeque with the youth group; go see a couple of movies; and go strawberry picking with the seniors from the church.

A few hours after we got back, we went back to airport and picked up my parents. I’ll let them tell you all of their stories – I might even make them come and write a blog entry or two… – but, let’s just say that they got the full experience of powerless nights and afternoons and got to see our abundant collection of mosquitoes and flies…not quiet Africa’s big five, but wildlife nonetheless. :P

Now, it’s time to get back into normal life and hopefully back into the habit of actually updating my blog. Lol.

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