Wednesday, November 25, 2009

30 Days of Nothing

I stumbled across this blog the other day, and thought the concept was interesting. (Plus, it was fun to read her family's reactions to things like hand washing a load of laundry or living without electricity for a day -- things that are normal here, but very not normal in America.)

Her idea was to live for one month without buying "extra" things like lattes or clothing, more or less as an experiment to see how much money they could save and what sorts of things they could learn.

When I get back to the States, this would be a very interesting "experiment" to try -- but, maybe I'm just in a very 'live off the grid' sort of a mood lately. Or, more likely, it appeals to me because it is a tangible act of social justice, something that goes completely against the grain of American consumerism.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share my find with you. Enjoy.

1 comment:

TriciaM said...

Very interesting concept. Kind of reminds me of 30 hour famine. It just gives you enough of a taste of it to maybe make you more in tune and responsible. Thanks for sharing it!

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