R was for relationship focused.
It meant that tasks were secondary to people, that it didn't matter if we cleaned up the trash or painted the school so long as there were people who felt seen and heard and loved.
In Haiti, it meant that nothing was more important than getting down low with a kid and just playing.
Joss spent two days of VBS in Carrefour being used as a climbing frame, dripping with beaming little girls who remembered this blanc, the one who loved them well last year and who refused to do anything less this year than to love them even more deeply.
The girls came off of the soccer field in Fonds Cheval to sing and dance and play clapping games, to hold children on their laps and offer sips of their water bottles. Whitney took the baby that she was handed in Maier and led craft for 100+ kids at a time, all with a child firmly on her hip, because neither was more important than the other.
Kids were hoisted onto backs and shoulders, chased and caught and swung around. Hair was braided and little hands wiped sweat off of bigger faces.
Conversations were held in English and Creole, French and Spanish. Grandparents were introduced and siblings pointed out. Ninja was taught. Dance parties were had. Sunday school teachers came in to help with crafts. Moms stuck around to help coral children.
Kids were hoisted onto backs and shoulders, chased and caught and swung around. Hair was braided and little hands wiped sweat off of bigger faces.
Conversations were held in English and Creole, French and Spanish. Grandparents were introduced and siblings pointed out. Ninja was taught. Dance parties were had. Sunday school teachers came in to help with crafts. Moms stuck around to help coral children.
And, many of their favorite moments came without translators or games or any sort of American style order. They came out of short lessons and simple crafts that were occasionally dropped on the ground the moment they were complete. They came out of names learned and faces memorized and hearts connected.
Zandra downloaded old photos to her phone to prove to children that they were remembered and loved and cherished. Kids who hadn't seen us for two years asked for Jimmy by name. Mariah declared that knowing we were going back to Carrefour was "like the night before Christmas!" Lovna asked about Brennen and joined with dozens of kids in asking when we were coming back - how long would we all have to wait this time, before we saw each other again?
Zandra downloaded old photos to her phone to prove to children that they were remembered and loved and cherished. Kids who hadn't seen us for two years asked for Jimmy by name. Mariah declared that knowing we were going back to Carrefour was "like the night before Christmas!" Lovna asked about Brennen and joined with dozens of kids in asking when we were coming back - how long would we all have to wait this time, before we saw each other again?
Late nights came with honest conversations about fears and spiritual warfare and waiting for God's best. Lightning storms were met with hands on frightened shoulders and quiet words of praise. They called out the good that they saw in one another and spoke a gentle truth that refused to yield to any of the enemies lies.
And we were left with one of the strongest team that we have ever had.
Relationship wasn't something that happened for a few hours at VBS or during basketball games on the compound. Relationship was every moment of every day.
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