Sunday, February 17, 2013

Growing: God's Story

So far, our story about how God wants to be known by every single person on the planet has all come out of the Bible. And, that's a good thing. It's hard to start a story about God if you don't start with the things that God says about God.

When a guy named John wrote the very last word of the very last page of what turned out to be the very last book of the Bible, though, God's story wasn't over.

It kept going.

And, it kept going. And, it kept going. And, it kept going.

Because, Jesus' followers kept going. They kept moving into new places and meeting new people, and, everywhere that they went, they brought God's story with them.

Sometimes, they did a good job of bringing God's story, like when they were patient and brave and remembered to pray and to take care of each other and other people. When they let the Holy Spirit be their helper, they made wise choices and people understood about God. People understood that God was big and that God was good and that God wanted to be known by every single person on the planet.

Sometimes, lots of people understood all at once, and we started calling times like those 'revivals.' Revival is just a fancy church word that means that lots of people are understanding the same sorts of things about God all at the same time, like what happened when the Holy Spirit first came and three thousand new people decided to follow Jesus...

Download a PDF of the entire story here and click on the activity pages below to download.

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