Friday, August 17, 2012

This is How We Do

Proof of the oddity that is the Focus group (the justice group that carried over from last summer), not so much in the what of this picture but more so in the who of it.

Thursday morning/afternoon, six of us met to talk, research, scheme, drive all over town, play car games designed to frustrate those who have never heard them before, and, eventually, chalk clean water statistics in the park. Because, building awareness seems to be our thing, and we're still raising money for a well.

Four hours of laughter, planning, fast food stops, and constant explanations of old inside jokes. Special times that were pretty typically us.

By the time we got to the chalking, the above were our crew: an incoming sixth grader, an incoming high school freshman, and one about to leave for her freshman year of college. By most "church" standards, they should have been split, at the very least, into three separate "ministries" according to their respective ages. There, they would play different games, sing different songs, and learn progressively more "complicated" things about Jesus. In a church our size, they would rarely even cross paths.

After all, middle schoolers are insecure and hyper; high schoolers only care about whether their friends think they're cool, and college students are motivated by nothing besides coffee and free pizza. Right?

And, yet, they're here, spending a hot summer afternoon - one of precious few before school starts again - working on a project with people that they never would have otherwise known. Because, God doesn't always work in the boxes we create.

(In fact, He seems to rather enjoy smashing them to pieces.)

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