Sunday, June 3, 2012

Run For Rice

As a general rule, my family runs when something is chasing us or we are chasing something - typically a small child. The apparent exception to the rule, is that we will also run when the race fees go straight to an organization working to combat the minor sex trade in Cambodia.

There were seven graduation parties and a graduation ceremony to attend within the next ten hours, so technically we jogged briskly - and only for a mile - before we took off for other things, but, still, we 'ran'.

My aunt and uncle were part of the event as well. Can you tell which of the two brothers is a runner and which is not?

And, then... we began the graduation party circuit. I've done quite a few years of graduation parties, but I don't think I've ever before made it to quite that many in quite that short of a time. There has to come a point, when you're seeing the same people all day at different parties, that it eventually just becomes classified as a progressive dinner!

These are some of the guys we are taking to Haiti (+1 friend). They are on the roof mid graduation party, getting ready to jump off onto the trampoline. Fairly typical for this particular crew. While they were attempting to break body parts outside, I was inside with a couple of parents who wanted to make sure that their children would come back from Haiti with all of their limbs. Can't imagine at all why that might be a concern they would have...

So long as we can avoid jumping off of any roofs in Fond Parisien, we might just be able to bring them all back in one piece. :)

The good news was that I only sat through ONE graduation ceremony all weekend, which is not half as bad as it could have been!

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