Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sharefest 2012

This year, our cluster project involved destructing flower planters/benches, moving dirt from planter to flower bed, breaking down cardboard boxes, sweeping, taping, and plenty of paining. The girls worked from 7:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. Too cold for sweat and too much fun for tears, but there may have been a little blood when someone got up close and personal with the parking lot.

Not that is slowed her down for more than five minutes!

We were the happy recipients of homemade ice cream mid morning, and found some supremely tasty taco truck burritos for lunch. (Yes. We like food. Can you tell?)

The entire work crew there was awesome, and it is always fun to know that there are hundreds of other people from all kinds of different churches spread out across town doing the exact same sorts of things.

Anyone who wants to claim that American teenagers are lazy and self centered really ought to come watch these girls in action for five minutes. They know how to WORK and how to work JOYFULLY. Their other leaders would have been more than proud to see them so much in their element while serving. I know that I certainly was!

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