Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Wanderings

Today we made the very valuable discovery that, when one is attempting to yard sale for items needed by the pregnancy network or WARN (Washington Anti-trafficking Response Network), one should NOT go on the weekend before the 4th of July. Folks don't like having yard sales that weekend.

We did find a few nice baby clothes - and a boppy - some children's clothes and two unused canvases (which will go towards some art project over the course of the next two weeks). And, we drug a guy along on his first ever yard-saling experience.

We also scoped out the farmer's market, bought a pound of very tasty cherries, had a picnic in the park, and made friends with a VERY calm squirrel, who the girls named Oliver. Oliver was very found of our cherry pits and even more found of the piece of corn chip that we smeared with peanut butter.

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