Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Few Lesson's We've Learned... the past couple of days.

1. a) You have to get online in order to update your internet credit, therefore...if you wait until it is completely gone and you no longer have internet can't update your credit.
b) If you are a not so intelligent wazungu (white person) and you do happen to wait until your credit is completely gone, the nice people at the store have the magic ability to to do it for you from the store in town.

2) It's perfectly fine to wear shorts within an enclosed compound (like our site supervisors), but, if you are going to leave the compound to go buy a coke...putting a skirt back on over your shorts is very much a requirement. (One of the girls on the old team caught us just in time before me and another girl went out...oops! Bad idea in a culture where even guys' knees are considered scandalous...)

3) Chicken hearts are actually really tasty


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