Monday, May 26, 2008

Singing Spies

I spent last weekend doing a simulation (kind of like a giant game) of the persecuted church.

It was pretty crazy, and I had tons of fun crawling through bushes, hiding stuff in my pockets to bring into the "peace camp," and sneaking around in the dark going on "missions" to get stuff that we needed. About a third of the way through, though, I got caught and sent to "prision." That was when things started getting really cool.

Even though we weren't allowed to talk to eachother most of the time, we were allowed to sing worship songs if there weren't any gaurds in the room. --If they came in while we were singing, they would bang on our cells and yell until we quit.

At one point, they came in while we were singing with all six of our leaders from the peace camp, the people we had elected to plan missions and keep an eye on the rest of the group. No matter how much they yelled, we just kept singing worship songs straight to Jesus.

In the prison they made us do things like push-ups and sits anytime someone did something wrong, so they told all of the leaders that they had to do push-ups until we stopped. For almost twenty minutes they did push-ups and sang with us. Even though their arms hurt and even though it was only a game, there was joy on their faces. They knew that they didn't have to be there, but they wanted to be.

Their arms hurt because they loved Jesus, and they loved that.

We never did stop singing. The gaurds put them into cells with us and left the room, because the power of God was so strong in that "jail."

We may have been captured as spies, but our most powerful weapon was a song and a prayer.

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