Sound familiar?
There is, though, one difference between Tri-town and my other desert home. Here, when it rains, it rains hardcore, and, if it comes down for more than a few minutes, there is a good chance that it will flash flood as the water pours downhill towards the river and then overflows its banks.
Our house is high enough that the flooding does not affect us (minus an unexpected overnight at the house where I was babysitting, because the road home was flooded), but the boys' compound and house get a decent amount of water, and the floods made a nice mess out at one of the primary schools that we have been very involved with, knocking over portions of the fence and filling the boys' dormitory with almost 2.5 feet of water.
By the next morning, the waters were gone and only mud was left behind, but can you imagine if this happened every time that it rained in the Tri-Cities?

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