Only a few of us, myself not included, were really involved with them, but, from the stories that my teammates have told me, it seems like things went well, and God used a variety of circumstances to open several villages to the possibility of further adult literacy training (ALT), even by Christians – who would, hopefully, be able to build bridges of trust and friendship with their students.
Four of the team members, though, were actually the son, daughter in law, and grandchildren of a couple who came from Indonesia to teach classes for us. The girls, who are three and four, stayed at our house for one afternoon, while their parents were working at the ALT sights, and they entertained us with a “juggling show,” as well as discovered all sorts of ways test out Ashley’s new found comfort with children. (She may or may not have been licked on the face by a “puppy.” And, she may or may not have a thing about slobber and germs…lol!)
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